The Law of The Skyscraper

The Law of The Skyscraper

Good morning and happy Monday!

Today I wanted to share with you something I read in an article.


The Law of The Skyscraper

When builders begin building a skyscraper they don’t start by building up. Instead they start by digging below the ground in order to create a foundation of stability. They have to go down deep and excavate soil, sand, clay, etc. to reach the bedrock so that they can build something that will reach incredible heights.

Our lives, careers and teams work the same way. If we want to build up, we must first dig deep and develop our foundation. We need to dig deep within ourselves and identify who we are, our purpose and the legacy we truly want to leave behind.

It’s not always easy to unearth the stuff below (the fears we have, the wounds we carry and the things that hold us back) but once we uncover them we can reach the core of our foundation and begin the building process to reach greater heights.

Today I want to encourage you to do some digging. Think about what’s holding you and your team back. What needs to be unearthed and dealt with? I know it’s easier not to address or confront it but remember the law of the skyscraper. If you don’t dig, you’ll never be able to build the foundation you need to create the life and team that you want.

One of the ways I have built my foundation over the years is by choosing/receiving One Word for the year that is meant to shape and mould me to be my best. Seven years ago, my word was Purpose. Then it was Surrender, Serve, Pray, Rise, Forgive and Still. Looking back, I realize that in choosing my word each year I was digging and building a foundation.

My word for this year is Connected. I didn’t choose this word. It chose me. I wanted to pick “Grow” but “Connected” came to me on a walk New Year’s Eve. I knew that I still had some digging and building to do and that involved being connected. Connected to God. Connected to my family when I’m on the road. Connected to people. We live at a time when we have more ways to connect but are often not connecting meaningfully. To dig and grow I want to connect meaningfully and create a life filled with meaning.

I don’t know what kind of digging you must do personally or professionally, individually or collectively but I hope you’ll consider building your foundation this year, so we can grow to greater heights together. Sometimes we must start a whole new building process like the Pallottine sisters.

  • Identify what you stand for. Once you know what you stand for, decisions are easy to make.
  • Have a vision for the road ahead. If you have a vision you also have the power to make it happen.
  • Know your why. When you know your why you will know the way and won’t let obstacles get in the way.
  • Let go of what’s holding you back. Choose faith instead of fear.
  • Pick a word and live it this year.
  • We know that there’s a limit to how high skyscrapers can physically be built but there’s no limit to how high you can soar when you are willing to keep building your life, work and team.

I wish you great growth this year, recommit to the words you chose along with me at the beginning of the year. I’d love to hear what it is if you haven’t already shared.

Enjoy your week and be grateful that we get to experience a new day!


With love,